Image of Minecraft stairs - stone brick, oakl wood, and dark prismarine.

How To Make Stairs In Minecraft

This guide explains how to make stairs in Minecraft on a crafting table and a stonecutter in an easy step-by-step guide and screenshots.

Image of Minecraft stairs - stone brick, oakl wood, and dark prismarine.

All Minecraft stairs can be made on a crafting table. Additionally, stairs made out of stone and stone-type blocks can be made on a stonecutter. This tutorial will walk you through how to make stairs both ways.

How to Make Stairs in Minecraft (Crafting Table Method)

Step 1: Open A Crafting Table

To make stairs in Minecraft, open your crafting table.You should see the 3×3 crafting grid in the top portion of the interface. (See image below.)

Minecraft crafting table with 6 stone in inventory.

I’m making stairs using stone blocks in this example, but the crafting recipe is the same for all stair variants, including wooden stairs. Just substitute whatever block you want to make stairs out of. Assuming, it can be made into stairs to begin with.

Step 2: In a Stair Pattern Add 6 Stone to the Crafting Grid

Place one stone block in the first square of the top row of the crafting table 3×3 grid, the first and second squares of the middle row, and in all three squares of the bottom row. (See image below.)

How to make stairs in Minecraft - Crafting Recipe.

Once you’ve placed the stone in the correct squares, the stairs will appear in the square on the right.

The recipe to craft stairs on a crafting table is a shaped recipe, this means that as long as the ingredients are placed in the crafting grid in the same pattern you will be able to make stairs even if they are flipped left to right. 

However, the recipe will not work for stairs of any type if the ingredients are placed upside-down

Step 3: Move the Stairs to Your Inventory

Move the finished stairs from the righthand square of the crafting table menu to your inventory.

Image of stone stairs in inventory on crafting table.

Well done! You now know how to craft stairs in Minecraft on a crafting table. Now learn how to make stairs using a stonecutter.

How to Make Stone Stairs in Minecraft (Stonecutter Method)

Step 1: Open Your Stonecutter

To make stairs using a stonecutter, open your stonecutter.

You should see the stonecutter interface in the top portion of the menu and your inventory at the bottom. (See image below.)

Image of stone in a stonecutter from Minecraft.

Step 2: Add stone to the Stonecutter Menu

Place stone in the square on the upper lefthand side of the stonecutter interface.

This will display the items you can make with your chosen block on a stonecutter for you to select from.

This can include, but not always slabs, stairs, walls, bricks, brick slabs, brick stairs, chiseled, and polished variants of the block you’ve chosen, if available.

Minecraft stone stairs and other options on stonecutter.

Step 3: Select The Stone Stairs

Select the stairs you want to make in the stonecutter menu.

Notice how the finished stair appears in the square on the righthand side of the stonecutter menu.

How to make stairs in Minecraft - Stonecutter Method

Step 4: Move the Stairs to Your Inventory

Move the stairs from the stonecutter menu to your Minecraft inventory.

Image of stonecutter menu with stone stair in inventory.

Well done! You now know how to make stairs in Minecraft with a stonecutter and on a crafting table.

Let’s face it, jumping up every block when you want to climb out of your diamond ore mine in your Minecraft world is a real pain in the behind. Thankfully, Minecraft gave us stairs!

Making and using stairs in Minecraft allows you to quickly get up (and down) steep inclines like those early step-down, deep mine passages without having to hold the jump button down constantly. 

Stair blocks can also be used to build a detailed roof line, a dizzying spiral staircase, a coffered ceiling, or as a decorative/texture block.

How Many Different Types of Stairs are in Minecraft?

As of Minecraft 1.19 and the addition of mangrove and mud brick stairs, there are fifty (50) different variations of stairs in Minecraft. 

Stairs can be made out of all of the wood planks block variants like birch planks, crimson planks, or oak planks. And they can also be made out of most of the stone block variants. 

In general, if it is a solid block that is generated naturally in the game and you can break it with an ax or a pickaxe, you can probably make stairs out of it.

Do Minecraft Stairs Generate Naturally in the Game?

Some Minecraft stairs variants will generate naturally in your Minecraft world, but their generation is random. (See table below.)

Stair Type Naturally Generates In
Acacia Stairs Savana Villages, Shipwrecks
Birch Stairs Shipwrecks
Blackstone Stairs Bastion Remnants, Ruined Portals (Java version.)
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs Anceint City
Cobblestone Stairs Plains Villages, Pillager Outposts, Snowy Taiga Villages, Strongholds, Taiga Viallges
Dark Oak Stairs Pillager Outposts, Shipwrecks
Deepslate Brick Stairs Anceint City
Deepslate Tile Stairs Anceint City
Diorite Stairs Snowy Tundra Villages
Granite Stairs Desert Villages
Jungle Stairs Shipwrecks
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs Pillager Outposts
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs Ruined Portals
Nether Brick Stairs Nether Fortresses, Ruined Portals (Java version.)
Oak Stairs Plains Villages, Shipwrecks
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs Ruined Portals (Java version.)
Polished Blackstone Stairs Bastion Remnants, Ruined Portals – Java
Polished Deepslate Stairs Ancient City
Purpur Stairs End Cities
Sandstone Desert Villages, Warm Ocean Ruins
Smooth Sandstone Stairs Desert Villages
Spruce Stairs Igloo basements, Shipwrecks, Snowy Taiga Villages, Snowy Tundra Villages, Taiga Villages, Witch Huts
Stone Brick Stairs Cold Ocean Ruins, Ruined Portals, Strongholds

All other stair types do not naturally generate in a Minecraft world. At least not as of version 1.19.


Are stone stairs stackable? If so, how many can go in a stack?

Stairs in Minecraft, are stackable and you can have up to 64 in one stack.

What is the best tool(s) for breaking stairs?

A pickaxe is best for breaking stone and stone-type stairs, like stone, stone brick, or cobblestone.

And an ax is the fastest tool for breaking wood stairs, like spruce, oak, and birch. 

Breaking a wood stair without a tool will drop a stair that can be picked up.

Breaking non-wood stairs with anything other than a pickaxe will cause the stairs not to drop and they will be lost.

Is walking up stairs faster than jumping up one block?

Yes, walking upstairs is faster than jumping up the same distance.

Another benefit to using stairs over jumping is that it doesn’t exhaust your hunger bar, meaning you won’t wear yourself down and have to eat.

Can wood stairs be used as fuel for furnaces and blast furnaces?

Yes, stair blocks made out of any type of wood plank, like oak wood stairs (not the nether variants crimson and warped) can be used as fuel in furnaces, blast furnaces, and smokers. You will be able to smelt 1.5 items be wood stair burned.

Are stone water soluble?

Yes, stair blocks of all variants, wood and stone variants, are water-soluble. Meaning you can place a stair and water from a water bucket in the same space.

This can come in handy when you have a single layer of blocks and need to make a spot that holds water. Replacing a full block with a stair or slab will allow you to place water in the same place as well.