Status online
Players 10/2022
IP akumamc.net
Bedrock IP bedrock.akumamc.net
Bedrock Port 19132
Types PrisonSkyblockBedrockCrossplay
Website https://akumamc.net/
Version 1.19
Rank 48
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United States
Owner fullbump

We don't have description

What is the server IP for AkumaMC?

The server IP for the AkumaMC Minecraft server is akumamc.net.

How do I Play on the AkumaMC Minecraft server?

Open your Minecraft launcher. Once loaded, click the "Play" button. Next, click "Multiplayer".

On the lower righthand side of the screen, click "Add Server". Enter the text akumamc.net In the Server Address field and click "Done".

Back on the Play Multiplayer list, select the server you just added and click "Join Server".

What game version does AkumaMC Minecraft server support?

AkumaMC supports Minecraft game version 1.19 or older.

What gamemodes can I play on the AkumaMC Minecraft server?

You can play Prison, Skyblock, Bedrock, Crossplay, modes on the AkumaMC Minecraft server.