Status online
Players 258/200
Types TownySurvivalSMPEarthHardcoreAnarchyEconomyPvPPvE
Version 1.19
Rank 35
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country Sweden
Owner fullbump

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EarthMC’s exclusive server map has been rendered using height and terrain data from NASA satellites. The high detail will allow you to visit your real life home and recognize the terrain. Since the map was launched, more than 1 000 000 players have interacted with it, leaving new players loads of history and artifacts to explore.

Create a town, form a nation and conquer earth. Using towny, you are able to invite residents to your town and manage their permissions. Sell plots and get in to the real estate market. You can create a nation and invite other towns to it.

The economy is run by the players. Sell and buy goods across over 500 player-made shops. The server’s currency is gold ingots. There are many ways to get gold: taxes, mining and trading. EarthMC also has a system in place for safe player to player item trades.