Advancius Network
Status online
Players 133/300
Bedrock IP
Bedrock Port 19132
Types FactionsPrisonSurvivalSMPBedrockCrossplayHardcoreMiniGamesTownyBedrock SMP
Version 1.19
Rank 39
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United States
Owner fullbump

Tired of pay-to-win servers that get boring after 30 minutes? Sick of unfriendly communities and unhelpful staff? Check out the exciting and friendly community of Advancius Network!

Our goal is to provide a quality experience and good-natured community to players of all interests.

We offer a 100% free rank and prestige system designed to reward skill and hard work that is integrated into a wide variety of different game modes, including: Factions, Creative Plots, Prison, Skyblock, Heroes, Semi-Vanilla Survival, several custom Minigames, and multiple events per month hosted by our staff!

Join Advancius today to find yourself immersed in addictive game-modes with a warm community ready to play, compete, and just have a good time. Be it fun, friends, or both, you are sure to find them in this ever-growing server!

What is the server IP for Advancius Network?

The server IP for the Advancius Network Minecraft server is

How do I Play on the Advancius Network Minecraft server?

Open your Minecraft launcher. Once loaded, click the "Play" button. Next, click "Multiplayer".

On the lower righthand side of the screen, click "Add Server". Enter the text In the Server Address field and click "Done".

Back on the Play Multiplayer list, select the server you just added and click "Join Server".

What game version does Advancius Network Minecraft server support?

Advancius Network supports Minecraft game version 1.19 or older.

What gamemodes can I play on the Advancius Network Minecraft server?

You can play Factions, Prison, Survival, SMP, Bedrock, Crossplay, Hardcore, MiniGames, Towny, Bedrock SMP, modes on the Advancius Network Minecraft server.