Advancius Network
Status online
Players 133/300
Bedrock IP
Bedrock Port 19132
Types FactionsPrisonSurvivalSMPBedrockCrossplayHardcoreMiniGamesTownyBedrock SMP
Version 1.19
Rank 39
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 year(s) ago
Country United States
Owner fullbump

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Tired of pay-to-win servers that get boring after 30 minutes? Sick of unfriendly communities and unhelpful staff? Check out the exciting and friendly community of Advancius Network!

Our goal is to provide a quality experience and good-natured community to players of all interests.

We offer a 100% free rank and prestige system designed to reward skill and hard work that is integrated into a wide variety of different game modes, including: Factions, Creative Plots, Prison, Skyblock, Heroes, Semi-Vanilla Survival, several custom Minigames, and multiple events per month hosted by our staff!

Join Advancius today to find yourself immersed in addictive game-modes with a warm community ready to play, compete, and just have a good time. Be it fun, friends, or both, you are sure to find them in this ever-growing server!